Dominant metrics to measure succesful video marketing campaings
In today’s cutthroat world of marketing, written copy is no longer enough. More and more B2B marketers are showcasing successful video marketing campaigns. But how can a marketer measure the success of video content?
What metrics should be used to keep tabs on the value of the campaign? Other than the apparent view count, also known as the vanity metric, there are several more parameters to take into consideration. Here’s a handful that can help marketers uncover the true meaning of what a successful video marketing campaign is all about.
1. Play Rate
The play rate is the percentage of visitors that click the video’s “play” button. Think about email marketing for a second. If a marketer sends an email to everyone on his list, but no one opens the email, can the marketer claim that he’s done his job successfully?
The same concept reigns true in terms of the play rate in video marketing. If the marketer posts a compelling video on the company blog, but no one watches the clip, then the message didn’t really get across. To make it count, the site visitors must watch the video. At the very least, they must click the play button. Every detail matters. Small features like the thumbnail selection, as well as its size and placement, have an impact on the play rate. Simply improving the video’s thumbnail can positively affect this metric. The width of the video is another feature that can be improved. To avoid overwhelming the viewers, the ideal video size is 401 x 600 pixels. Use a person’s picture as a thumbnail. People relate better to people, and not objects. Snapshots that feature human interaction are more captivating than those that showcase inanimate objects.
The engagement rate is what others call the “watch rate.” It is the fraction of the video that the viewers actually saw. Consumers who watched and enjoyed a marketing video are 97% more likely to buy the product or service featured in the content. Clicking the ‘play’ button is one thing. But it’s an entirely different story when the viewers take time to watch the video from start to finish.
2. Engagement rate
YouTube has made it possible for marketers to define this metric. To deliver a better experience for its viewers, the platform changed its “discovery features.” Now, the suggested videos displayed are based on the video’s watch rate. This means the videos recommended are the ones that other YouTube viewers have watched, enjoyed and connected with.
There are several ways to improve a video’s watch rate. Possibly the most important is to align the video content with the context of the page. If the page is about running a successful video marketing campaign, but the video content talks about social media practices, the page visitors may not see the connection. That vague link between the two topics is reason enough for site visitors to leave the page. It’s always wise to take the time to review the context of the entire post. There should always be a cohesive pattern when presenting two materials. Another way to improve this metric is to use a heat map. Wistia, a popular video hosting platform, offers heat maps that reveal the parts of the video where the viewers had skipped, played and re-watched.
3. Conversion Rate
he conversion rate for all forms of marketing is the percentage of people that have completed an intended action (CTA). This metric identifies the effectivity of the video marketing campaign. Keeping tabs on the generated leads on each video is crucial. When the marketer has this information, he can tailor the other videos in a format that the target market positively responds to.
The best way to improve the video’s conversion rate is to present a compelling call-to-action. Most of the time, viewers just need a nudge or a reminder for them to complete an action. Use actionable language that tells the viewers what to do. More importantly, go straight to the point. With these three important metrics, measuring the success of video marketing campaigns becomes clearer and faster.