How to increase ROI by adding buttons, forms and links to your video
The choice between your usual content and video content makes a huge difference. Video does everything that a regular text-based piece, or even a static image, cannot do. It engages the eyes, the ears and the mind all at the same time. And if you do it the right way, you can even stir a few emotions here and there, hitting the total jackpot.
To make your video content an all-in-one piece, you have to make it interactive.
There are two common ways to make a video interactive. One is by adding buttons, forms and links in the video, which helps increase ROI. The other is by adjusting the storylines presented by the video, giving the viewers the chance to choose how they want the story to end.
Today, we’ll discuss the first one in depth.
Why Calls to Action Matter
You find yourself in the middle of a store. Everything you see is crazy interesting that you start wandering about aimlessly, jumping from one aisle to another.
Now, let’s say the store management is hoping to sell more of a specific line of products. You’ll notice that the salespeople all seem to be strategically positioning you to proceed to a certain display. I’ll bet that wherever they’re leading you to, that’s exactly what the management is asking them to sell.
That’s exactly how calls to action work.
You see, anybody who lands on your video may find it interesting and entertaining. But what do they do after? What results are you hoping to gain from it? Your call to action will pave a path for them to follow so that they don’t get distracted. You help them keep their eye on the prize.
But what does this have to do with anything? Well, those forms, buttons and links are exactly that – calls to action. They give your viewers subtle hints on what they should be doing next. Without these calls to action, you might end up wasting a lot of opportunities. You already worked hard on making the video amazing – the last thing you want is for them to just close the window after the video ends without doing anything that will benefit you.
Best Practices in Adding Buttons, Forms and Links
Even more important than giving your audiences a clear direction to follow, the buttons, forms and links you’ll be adding to your interactive videos can help you increase ROI and hit other targets as well.
Here are a few tips for you to follow:
• Set a clear goal.
Your audience has ridden the train, and you’re the one laying down the tracks. But what happens when you don’t know where the destination is? Make sure you understand what your goals are before attempting to embed calls to action to your videos. If it’s about ROI, then a link to your online store would be perfect. If you’re just out to get leads, then a form would be most fitting.
• Focus on a single goal.
It’s possible to have a few goals in mind. But make sure you focus on a single thing first. Otherwise, you’ll only confuse your audiences or tire them out with the barrage of instructions. What do you really want them to do at this point – sign the form, or follow the link to another video you’re trying to boost?
• Place it strategically.
You want the audience to see the link without distracting them from the video. Some people add the form, link or button at the end of the video. You can also coordinate your video script with your calls to action. For example, you can have the narrator say, “Click the link below to access our online form” or “Click on the subscribe button at the right side of this screen”. This allows you to place a call to action without being a distraction and while ensuring that it won’t be ignored.
Start thinking about how you can apply this approach to your videos. On the next blog, we’ll give your interactive videos an even bigger twist.